Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dr. Oetker world

Last weekend I visited my family in my hometown Bielefeld. It’s always fantastic because we do awesome things with the whole family. This time we visited the Dr. Oetker world! We have made a guided walk in the large building and have seen the different products and learned a lot about the development of Dr. Oetker. All in all it was very great and exciting day! But the best: everyone got goodie bags. The bag included a lot of recipes, the latest Dr. Oetker magazine and a ring cake baking mixture. 

Therefore I baked the ring cake. The instruction of the package is very easy and quick. You just need eggs, milk and butter for the baking mixture. 

Conclusion: The ring cake tastes very well and it´s fluffy as well. When you ever expect guests and haven ´t enough time to bake, the Dr. Oetker baking mixture is a good alternative to self-made cakes. 

Do you like Dr. Oetker baking mixtures and do you use them often or do you prefer self-made cakes?

Read more about the Dr. Oetker world: http://www.oetker.de/oetker/dr_oetker_welt.html 

Love, Pia <3


  1. Huhu,
    hat der Kuchen denn eigentlich überhaupt einen "Geschmack?", also etwas bestimmtes wie die Zitrone beim Zitronenkuchen und die Schokolade beim Schokokuchen?
    Ich benutze auch gerne Backmischungen, da ich sie einfach und lecker finde. Aber die müssen nicht unbedingt von Dr Oetker sein, ich nehme auch gerne die günstigeren Varianten :)

  2. Hi Anja, the cake tasted neutral but it´s so fluffy! After four days the ring cake tastes still delicious. But sure, you can refine baking mixtures with chocolate and so on! Have a nice evening. Best regards, Pia :-)
